Justyna Majerska-Sznajder- Jüśja Fum Biöetuł
has degrees in Culture Management and Ethnology from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. She is currently a PhD student at the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of “Artes Liberales”. Since childhood, she has been involved in the revitalization of Wymysiöeryś culture in her hometown of Wilamowice, and now she is the president of the “Wilamowianie” Association, which conducts many projects related to cultural heritage, language documentation, and revitalization. With other members of the Association, she seeks to organize new spaces for the use Wymysiöeryś and create a living museum of local culture. She teaches the language at the local school and at home. Her doctoral dissertation will focus on local concepts of well-being in Wilamowice and their influence on the vitality of Wymysiöeryś.
Her publications
Ynzer łidła – nasze pieśni. Wilamowskojęzyczne pieśni, kołysanki i wyliczanki
Wilamowianie i ich stroje / Vilamovians and their clothing