
14 January 2019

Minority Languages, Major Opportunities (COLING)

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COLING is a collaborative research project funded by the MSCA RISE programme with a total budget of 1 579 500 euro. We invited 13 partner institutions, both academic and nongovernmental organizations, working in the field of language revitalization. The project consortium includes researchers and practitioners from Poland, Netherlands, Italy, Latvia, United States and Mexico. The Faculty of “Artes Liberales” of the University of Warsaw is the leading beneficiary and coordinator of the project. Between 2018 and 2021 a group of 58 researchers will work during 375 months of research secondments. The major COLING results include:

  1. A book covering the four themes of the COLING
  2. Guidelines for creating innovative spaces dedicated to the promotion of linguistic and cultural diversity in local communities
  3. Developing a new studies curriculum
  4. Online platform dedicated to linguistic and cultural diversity, including educational materials for universities and communities (proposed layout on the illustration)
  5. Innovative application/serious game for teaching and documenting different endangered languages

Apart from the collaborative research an important component of the project are a series of joint workshops and summer schools. Those events are designed on one hand as a tool to develop new skills among the participants (especially early stage researchers), on the other they will facilitate the team work on COLING project results.

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