ЧЫСХААН уонна Аан Дойду үрдүнэн Айылза туругун уларыйыыта (Ирбэт тоҥ ууллуута) Chyskhaan: The Lord of the Cold and Global Climate Change (Ice Melting)
2021.01.06 | Warsaw
A colouring book about global climate change in the endangered Sakha (Yakut) language, featuring artwork by children from Oymyakon.
This book contains drawings by children from Oymyakon – the North Pole of Cold, located on the permafrost of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) – with descriptions in Sakha and English.
Remember, you too can make art and stories to help raise awareness of endangered languages, as well as of the ecological and environmental threats of global climate change and melting ice.
We hope that through this book you will gain more knowledge about the language and culture of the people of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), and that you can share this with others.
Project author and editor: Kyunney Takasaeva (Künnej Takaahaj)
Publisher: Center for Research and Practice in Cultural Continuity, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw
Publication financed by the Foundation “Institute Artes Liberales”
ISBN: 978-83-957318-3-9