Bartłomiej Chromik
has degrees in Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems from the Warsaw School of Economics and in Ethnology from the University of Warsaw. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, with the dissertation, “Micro- and macro linguistic ideologies. The case of Wilamowice”. He was the director of two scientific projects concerning this town. For more than decade he has been conducting research on Ukrainian Carpathians. Currently he is an adjunct lecturer in the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” and a post-doc researcher in the project Multilingual worlds – neglected histories. Uncovering their emergence, continuity and loss in past and present societies. He hails from Kęty, and since childhood has been fascinated with the history, culture, and language of his region, including the town of Wilamowice. He does not espouse linguistic purism nor histories written from dominant perspectives.
His publications
Mniejszości i ich języki wobec kryzysu. Pakiet antystygmatyzacyjny projektu „Językowe antidotum: żywotność językowa jako sposób budowy psychicznego dobrostanu, zdrowia i zrównoważonego rozwoju”
Wilamowianie i ich stroje / Vilamovians and their clothing
Bez muzyki, bez śpiewu nie ma świata. Muzyka w Wilamowicach
Integral Strategies for Language Revitalization