Joanna Maryniak
has a BA in French Philology and Classics from the University of Łódź and an MA in Liberal Arts from the University of Warsaw. She has co-authored three pictorial dictionaries of Modern Nahuatl – with more forthcoming – and has co-translated The Little Prince into Wymysorys. She is employed full time in the project, Multilingual worlds – neglected histories. Uncovering their emergence, continuity and loss in past and present societies. She is a member of the Polish Ethnological Society and is engaged in the revitalization of Wymysorys and Nahuatl, both as an academic and as an activist.
Photo copyright: John-Paul Bichard
Her publications
Kamanalixkopinkayotl tlen nauatlajtoli uan koxtekatlajtoli (Huasteca Potosina) Lejkix káw k’al i t’iplab, ti dhakchám ani ti Tének kawintaláb (Huasteca Potosina)
Mniejszości i ich języki wobec kryzysu. Pakiet antystygmatyzacyjny projektu „Językowe antidotum: żywotność językowa jako sposób budowy psychicznego dobrostanu, zdrowia i zrównoważonego rozwoju”
Tlahtolixcopincayotl Atliaca Guerrero
Der Kliny Fjyśt in Wymysiöeryś
Tlahtolixcopincayotl. San Miguel Xaltipan, Tlaxcala
Tlahtolixcopincayotl. Chicontepec, Veracrux