Melchior Jakubowski
has degrees in history and art history from the University of Warsaw. In 2020, he defended his PhD dissertation, “Religious and Ethnic Landscape of the Bukovina, Latgale, and the Suwałki Region at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century: State and Church Institutions Facing Local Communities,” in the University of Warsaw’s Faculty of History under the supervision of Professor Dariusz Kołodziejczyk. He has worked at the Institute of History of the Polish Academy of Sciences since 2021, and in 2024 he began to work at the University of Warsaw’s Center for Research and Practice in Cultural Continuity in the project “Multilingual worlds – neglected histories. Uncovering their emergence, continuity and loss in past and present societies.” His research interests include historical geography, landscape history, confessional and ethnic relations, the history of monasticism, early modern art, and the history of multilingualism.
The spatial dimension of religious practice in the multi-confessional environment of Eastern Europe at the turn of the eighteenth century, “Journal of Historical Geography”, 81, 2023, 32–42.
[With: R. Budzyński, D. Filipchyk, D. Marozau, R.S. Noyes, V. Veličkaitė] ‘Baltic catacombs.’ Translating corpisanti catacomb relic-sculptures between Rome, Polish Livonia, and the Lithuanian Grand Duchy circa 1750–1800 [version 1; peer review: 5 approved]. Open Research Europe 2021, 1:18
Facing the Old Believers. The experience of Austrian and Prussian officials in Bukovina and Neuostpreussen, “Acta Poloniae Historica”, 122, 2020, s. 247–275.
Wyznaczanie granic własnościowych w osiemnastowiecznej Rzeczypospolitej oraz ich trwanie w krajobrazie na przykładzie dóbr kamedułów wigierskich, „Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej”, LXII, z. 1, 2014, s. 19–35.