11 October 2021
Join us on October 20, 2021 the panel “Lengua, espacio y territorio” (Language, Space, and Territory)
Please join us on October 20, 2021 for the panel “Lengua, espacio y territorio” (Language, Space, and Territory) as part of the series of panels “Mujeres a 500 años de las Américas” sponsored by UDLAP Jenkins Graduate School and the #AmericasResearchNetwork!
Register to attend: https://udlapjenkins.mx/events/lengua-espacio-y-territorio/
The panel features:
– Dra. Cecilia Sheridan , ARENET Vice Chair of the Board and Titular Researcher with Ciesas Noreste
– Dra. Cynthia Radding, ARENET Chair of the Board and Professor of History at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
– Dra. hab. Justyna Olko, Faculty of Wydział „Artes Liberales” Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego