
12 January 2019

Language as a cure: linguistic vitality as a tool for psychological well-being, health and economic sustainability

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Language as a cure (LCure) is a research project founded by the Team Program of the Foundation for Polish Science with a total budget of 4 029 960,17  PLN, December 2017-May 2022 as the first project in the humanities and social sciences in the history of the program. The aim of the TEAM framework is to improve the human potential in the R&D sector in team projects pursued by outstanding scientists from all over the world (regardless of nationality) at research units or companies in Poland, working in the most innovative areas, with the involvement of a foreign research partner. The program is co-financed with the support of the of the Smart Growth Operational Programme (PO IR).

The LCure Project is directed by Dr. hab. Justyna Olko (Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw) and Dr. hab. Michał Bilewicz (Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw). It is carried out in the Center for Research and Practice in Cultural Continuity of the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” in close collaboration with the Faculty of Psychology, both at the University of Warsaw. Its expert partners include Prof. Howard Giles (University of California Santa Barbara), Prof. Matt Coler (University of Groningen), Dr. Heidi Coleran (Max Planck Institute, Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig ), Prof. Tomasz Wicherkiewicz (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) as well as several NGOs representing different ethnic minorities (Ruska Bursa in Gorlice, Association Wilamowianie, Wilamowice, both in Poland, Asociación Cultural Totlahtol, San Miguel Xaltipan, Tlaxcala).

The project addresses social, cultural and economic challenges linked to the reduction of linguistic diversity as well as discrimination and trauma linked to language endangerment and loss among speakers of minority languages and migrants. It aims at providing holistic, interdisciplinary, and contextualized study seeking relationship between language vitality and psychological and physical health and wellbeing, including economic sustainability, development and productivity. The project is also expected to provide responses on the level of application of research results at societal, educational, economic, psychological healthcare-related levels. Our multidisciplinary study is performed with several groups speaking minority and migrant languages, both in the area of Poland (speakers of Lemko and Wymysorys, Ukrainian migrants), and Latin America (Nahuatl in Mexico and Pipil/Nawat in Salvador).

The POIR.04.04.00-00-3DBF/16-00 „Language as a cure: linguistic vitality as a tool for psychological well-being, health and economic sustainability” project is carried out within the Operational Program Intelligent Development 2014 – 2020 (SG OP), Axis IV: Increasing scientific and research potential, Measure 4.4: Increasing the human resources potential of the R&D sector programme of the Foundation for Polish Science co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund. 
Project value: PLN 4,029,960.17
EU contribution: PLN 4,029,960.17

Papers in peer-reviewed international journals:


Covid reports made as part of the LCure project:


All Covid reports are published at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Warsaw

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